Ethics: Origin and Development
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
Advice to Those About to Emigrate
Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal
Anarchistic Communism: Its basis and Principles
The Direct Action of Environment and Evolution
The Fortress Prison of St. Petersburg
The Industrial Village of the Future
The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution
Prisons and Their Moral Influence on Prisoners
Prisons: Universities of Crime
The Scientific Basis of Anarchy
Small Communal Experiments and Why They Fail
The Sterilization of the Unfit
To What and How to Apply Manual and Brain Work
An Appeal to the Ukrainian People
An Open Letter to the Western Working-Men
Anti-Militarism: Was it Properly Understood?
The Constitutional Agitation in Russia
The Ethical Needs of the Present Day
The Fortress Prison of St. Petersburg
The Great French Revolution and its Lessons
Inheritance of Acquired Characters
Inherited Variation in Animals
On the Present Condition of Russia
On the Teachings of Physiography
Organized Vengeance Called ‘Justice’
The Permanence of Society After the Revolution
Proposed Communist Settlement: A New Colony for Tyneside or Wearside
The Response of Animals to their Environment
Russian Revolution and the Soviet Government: Letter to the Workers of Western Europe
Russian Schools and the Holy Synod
Some of the Resources of Canada
The Theory of Evolution and Mutual Aid
To Alexander Berkman, 20th November 1908
To De Reijger, 23rd December 1920 (Kropotkin’s Last Letter)
To Editor of Le Soir, 18th February (Published in Bread and Freedom)
To Lenin, 4th March 1920
To Lenin, 21st December 1920
To Marie Goldsmith, 23rd January 1913
To Marie Goldsmith, 23rd February 1916
To Max Nettlau, 5th March 1902
To Steffen (on WWI)