Brain Work and Manual Work, March 1890
The Coming Anarchy, August 1887
The Constitutional Agitation in Russia, January 1905
The Ethical Needs of the Present Day, August 1904
Finland: A Rising Nationality, March 1885
The Fortress Prison of St. Petersburg, June 1883
The Great French Revolution and its Lessons, 1889
Inheritance of Acquired Characters, March 1912
Inherited Variation in Animals, November 1915
Inherited Variation in Plants, October 1914
The Morality of Nature, March 1905
Process Under Socialism, 1887
Recent Science, August 1892
The Response of Animals to their Environment, December 1910
Russian Prisons January 1883
Some of the Resources of Canada, March 1898
The Theory of Evolution and Mutual Aid, January 1910
What Geography Ought to Be, November 1885